Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rain, Rain go away!

The storm is coming!
Rain? Yes we have it here too. It's not like the Pacific Northwest Seattle rain - you know, the drizzly, gray, cold rain. Here in Panama,  it's more like a tropical, warm, thunder clapping, lightning and heavy rain drops that flood the streets kind of rain. This rain starts really fast too. Not soft rain like Seattle but more heavy rain. The clouds are not gray or overcast that hang from the sky, these are dark, almost black clouds approaching and lightning in the distance.  Now if you add wind, I say its a typhoon! If you are on the beach, it feels like armegeddon.  The lightning is cool. You see the whole sky light up at night. Its like a 4th of July, LOL. During the day it's ominous. Especially if you are caught in the rain going from the store to your car. Or you see people running trying to avoid the downpour.

Here in Panama the umbrella is super useful. Good for rain and the hot sun. I keep umbrella stashed in the car now - just in case a surprise weather change happens. But have I used it? Nope. I have not.  Just like in Seattle.  And the funny thing is, I have a rain jacket but its not useful because its too warm to wear one.
More rain, see?

The weather here has been abnormally dry - according to some people.  Then you run into those that say the we have gotten abnormally MORE rain than sun.  I think it's sporadic enough that weather people here don't predict - they just say where the rain is: its in the mountains, in the city,  in the airport, the caribbean side, or in the beach cities.

My iPhone weather checker is useless.  I look to check the current temperature, not the weather or weather for the next 10 days.  The icon on my iPhone for the weather update does not change.  As I type blog, this is what the current weather is:

Weather for Nueva Gorgona, Panama

86°F | °CSunMonTueWed
ThunderstormsChance of StormsChance of StormsChance of Storms
Mostly Cloudy
Wind: S at 14 mph
Humidity: 70%86°75°84°73°84°73°88°73°

AND Just to compare (brace yourselves):

Weather for Bellevue, WA, USA

57°F | °CSunMonTueWed
Scattered ShowersRainShowerShower
Mostly Cloudy
Wind: NE at 3 mph
Humidity: 78%58°52°55°54°55°50°56°48°

Everyday is lightning, but it depends at the time of day, and it does not last long. Sun gets here, and everyone is happy.  I gotta say too: I don't miss the cold weather.  *grin*


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