Monday, July 30, 2012

Staying fit and healthy in Panama

Swimming in the Pacific
Healthy while living in a hot, tropical climate has been a real challenge for me.  Since we've moved I've gone up and down in weight.  It's a lot of work to maintain and still enjoy the benefits of the good food and especially drinking here in Panama.

We started off with the feeling of being on vacation - going out for meals and drinking beer - tons of beer! It's so cheap at .38 as opposed to buying soda at .75!  I however got addicted to bottled coca-cola.  I can't stop!! Or I should say, I could not resist popping one open on a hot, muggy day... I had to do something quick!

I also have felt lack of energy from the heat whenever I went for a run or even a walk! We adopted Alpha in February 2012 hoping I can get some walking done, however, with the tide being at different times, the beach walks had to be on times that I was not comfortable with.  What to do, what to do?  Moving to Coronado from Gorgona helped in July. We now have paved roads and flat streets and more people around. I feel safer too.

Solution for our healthy problem? We hired Natasha from Sunwave Fitness to help us stay fit at least twice a week.  She comes to our home and kicks our but with Tash Camp (boot camp) and sometimes yoga, sometimes zumba just to switch it out a bit.

Yogacise with Tash

That has been a great fit! Literally...

I still have not been able to run more than 5 miles training wise, but we have had a race in Penenomé back in June.  That was a blast!  What started out as a group of 6 women, grew into a larger group of men and women.  A total of 12 of us were signed up, got up early and ran a 10k.  It was suppose to be a 7k, but who cares?  We did it!
7k point, but no sign so we continue.

Marci, Karyn and Linda


More pictures as we wait for Tom who passed both markers and finished a 15k

Off we go!

Muddy trails = muddy shoes

I feel like I should have trained more for this race, but the most important thing was that I finished. I do appreciate Natasha coming over Tuesdays and Thursdays to our house to help Chris and I.  I say that for an hour, she can make me sweat profusely and even though I whine about the heat, I am happy to say afterwards "I'm glad I did it".

Currently we are searching for new Panama races.  You would think they did not exist! But let me tell you, at least one every weekend.  There really is a race for everyone.  5ks, 10ks, 21k and 42ks. And a few triathlons and not to mention we had our first panamanian Ironman back in February.

Our next big one on the horizon is Gamboa 21k race on October 2nd.  Can I say I do races for the medals? The medal looks awesome and the race is in the rainforest.  What more can I say.  I have 'til October to whip my butt in shape again.  I feel better when I sign up for something and look forward to it. It forces me to train, eat right and stay conscious of my body.  Once my race is over, I look for the next big thing. and the next.

Chris almost done
My passion for running is in my heart.  Just need my head to wrap around the idea again. Is this what we call a slump?  hmmmmm.  I have a race I love to do coming up in February 2013 - Huntington Beach 1/2 marathon.  This will be my 6th year doing it. I'm hoping this Superbowl Sunday will continue to be my tradition of running in the morning and slumping in front of the TV afterwards.

I love how I get a chance to motivate others, including my loving husband here.  He went from couch potato to basically running every morning.  I'm proud of him for continuing to set an example for me and our kids.

Panama is such a lovely country: food, fruits, rain forests, canal, mountains, beaches on both Pacific side and the Caribbean.  As well as complex when it comes to being healthy. But if other athletes can do it, so can I.